Ultimate Holidays!

The last lesson before the holidays, so a holiday themed picture seemed appropriate. I’d previously taken photos of the kids, which I photo-shopped to ink-sketch effect and to take out the background. The kids drew their idea of their ultimate holiday destination in the background (free drawing with fine black marker, no erasers allowed!) and colored with water-color pencil leaving their faces black and white. Aren’t they effective? We had everywhere from Paris to the Moon, underwater cities and Lollyland!

Murray L (Year 2)
Kiefer C (Year 2)

Lily B (Year 4)

Lilly H (Year 4)

Luke B (Year 2)

Georgia S (Prep)
Jordan O (Year
Juliana K (Year 1)
Ella H (Year 2)
Anonymous said...

I like how Juliana has thought to draw the trampoline in the shape of a muffin which looks bouncy and I like the choice of colors she has used in the pathway . the pattern in the path makes it look bumpy. Alexander K.

Anonymous said...

I like how Lily has done a scuba diving helmet with a bit of shine on the side and that you can see through it to the lines of the lanes where the fish are swimming. I like how the whale is poking his head in from the corner as it looks interesting. Juliana K.

Anonymous said...

I like how Lily has done the sky with an ab pattern and the sun on the sea make it stand out because it is a fire colour and a water colour together. Alexander K.

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