
Aren’t hippos the most wonderful  art subjects? For these pictures we’ve used color sticks thickly on blue paper, and the results are fantastic. My young artists had a choice between drawing their hippos with fish and river plants (adapted from a collage idea on Deep Space Sparkle, with thanks) or from a high perspective as though looking through the thick forest at the river below (inspiration from Philadelphia Zoo Hippo Art). Others made up their own interpretation, and they all looked spectacular when they’d finished!

Caillou C-F (Year 4)
Abby G (Year 3)

Alexander K (Year 2)

Ary C (Year 5)
Charlotte Y (Year 5)

Daniel O (Year 1)

Georgia S (Prep)

Ella P (Year 2)

Harry O (Year 3)

Laura A (Year 2)
Lucinda T (Year 5)

Luke B (Year 2)

Maddison P (Year 2)

Summah H (Year 2)

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