Fantasy Self-Portraits

I took silhouette photos of the children, then photo-shopped out the face details. The kids covered their pages solidly with oil pastel, then placed their photo print-outs over the top. After a demonstration of After a demonstration of stylization, they first traced heavily over the outline of their face and hair, then added any details they wanted to on the face… we had everything from fairy queens and elves to ravening zombies! They loved seeing how their lines picked up the oil pastel on the opposite side of the page to give them a multi-coloured print of their drawing. We then cut them out and glued them onto the oil pastel background. Very effective and lots of fun!

Fantasy Silhouette

Alex AS (Year 2)

Catherine B (Year 3)
Ella H (Year 2)

Hannah Y (Year 2)
Joe C (Year 5)

Lilly H (Year 4)
Lucy S (Year 3)

Maddy W (Year 4)
Oscar N (Year 2)

Savannah F (Year 3)
Zoe O (Year 6)

Anonymous said...

It's really effective that it comes out different colours when you draw on it
april king

Arabella Y said...

I really like the way Hannah Y did her persons face. I also like the idea of the art because you can make as artistic as you want it to be!
I also like the way Ella H did her art so big... it really stands out!!!

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