Pottery Hippos

This week we’ve painted our pottery Hippo sculptures. We made them a couple of weeks ago by joining two pinch pots for the body, then added legs and head (and in some cases hats, bow ties etc!) using score and slip method. After bisque firing we use water-based house paint to finish and decorate. I find house paint has a good coverage and is (relatively) water-resistant on pottery, so it wears well. Pottery is always the standout favorite lesson each term!

Kristen C (Year 7)
Mackenzie W (Year 2)
Aanya C (Year 3)

Bella G (Year 6)
Bonnie J (Year 4)

Caela NN (Prep)
Demi B (Year 2)

Lily L (Year 2)
Lucy S (Year 3)
James A (Year 6)
Riley K (Year 1)
Ziva G (Prep)
Macy E (Year 3)
Zara B (Year 4)
Jordan Oxenham said...

I love the way Aanya did the pattern on her hippo.

Anonymous said...

I like the way that Mackenzie W has done the overlapping stripes and the shape of the hippos head. Alexander K.

Anonymous said...

I like how Macy has made all the different colours go around in circles on the hippos body. I like how the ears are going back and it's head is looking up. I really like how the tail is flopping down. Juliana K.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mackenzie W (Year 2), I really love how you did the patterns with the orange and black it looks really artistic because they are not done the same size or shape. I also like how it looks like it has an age it looks really young because his or her legs are apart and they look very brittle because he or her is still young. It also looks very cute. I can`t beleve you did that and you`re only in year 2. It looks great!!! From Olivia DW

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