
Black marker and felt pen. The original inspiration for this great picture is from Deep Space Sparkle, thanks so much. The children draw a futuristic city, taking inspiration from a picture from ‘Futurama’, layering buildings from the front and imagining what the future might look like. What will our transport be? Will we still drive cars, or ride in flying buses? Or (as one of my students imagined) will we be transported in our own personal travel-bubbles? An art piece limited only by our imaginations, this has been a great success…

Amy H (Year 7)

Ary C (Year 5)

Charliz C (Year 2)

Chloe D (Year 2)

Emily H (Year 3)

Hayden M (Year 3)

Hollie P (Year 2)

Jay P-O (Year 2)

Joe F (Year 7)

Ruby DW (Year 2)

Tara S (Year 3)

April K (Year 5)

Kira R (Year 5)

Ned C (Prep)

Savannah F (Year 3)

Charlotte said...

I like april's picture how it is based on food!! :)

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