More Dragonflies & Various Other Insects!

More dragonflies - and various other insects! Click here see how we created these great pictures :)

Alexander K (Year 2)

Sophie T-F (Prep)
Teddy H (Year 2)

Yule A (Year 4)
Ella H (Year 2)

Hannah Y (Year 2)
Kate P (Year 4)

Lily B (Year 4)
PLASTIQUEM - Espe said...

I love these dragonflies and a variety of insects that have designed your students, it shows they have made an observation. The result is very cheerful and colorful. Thanks for sharing your experiences. A big hug from Barcelona.

Anonymous said...

I like how teddy has done the beautiful colours over the patterns in the wings and how he has positioned the bugs in the page overlapping the background leaves. Alexander K.

Anonymous said...

I like Yule's picture because the praying mantis has the pink and orange and how they go together nicely. I like the leafs because of the colours and the wash. Juliana.k

Pat said...

I have chosen the Dragonfly as my personal totem and wear my necklace and earrings often. Your student's beautifual and colorful work outshines my jewelry by a mile!


Anonymous said...

Dear Hannah Y ( Year 2) I absolutley love your picture i think that you are very talented. I can`t beleve you are only i year 2. I love how you split up the legs to make it look really realistic. I love how you did the leaf rubbings because they over lap and fade into each other. I also like how you did the stripes because they are big and then small and also because they are a really cool pattern. I think you did a really good job. Olivia DW

Anonymous said...

Dear Yule A (Year 4), I love the way you did the eye big like the real praying mantis`. I also like how you did the leaf rubbings because they are not too close to the edge and that suits the picture. It looks really realistic. WELL DONE!!!!! I love how you did the colours on the praying mantis not one but two colours because it doesn`t look plain and also because it looks like a shadow. From Olivia DW

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