Australian Native Animals

Indigenous Australian art is rich in tradition, texture and earth colors. Often depicting stories from the Dreamtime, the art style incorporates the use of many media and techniques including dot and x-ray painting, rock and bark painting, sculpture and fibre arts to name just a few.
This week we've explored just a small part of this rich culture, looking at examples of paintings of native Australian animals by indigenous artists using the dot and x-ray techniques.

After discussing color, texture and pattern, we used white color sticks on colored paper to first draw our animals in outline. We then thought about where we thought the internal organs of the animal might be, and drew them in with lots of pattern. It is important that our lines are drawn very firmly.
From there we considered the background patterns of our pictures, using flowing lines to divide the background into interesting shapes.

We then added more color in linear pattern or  solid blocks of color. I didn't restrict the student's use of color at all, but did talk to them about the effectiveness of a limited color palette.

Finally, students used the ends of paint brushes dipped in white acrylic to carefully apply dots of white along the major lines of their backgrounds and, if they chose, around their animals.

Turtle - April K (Year 5)

My Hand - Abby K (Year 4)
Turtle - Jakobe C (Prep)

Bronte B (Year 3)

Platypus - Sascha B (Prep)
Mrs. C said...

These are beautiful! I think my favorite is the turtle but i love them all! :)

Pat said...


Your student's art projects are amazing! I really like the limited color palette and the wonderful way you described Aussie Aboriginal art themes and syles. We are muy sympatico!


P.S. My leg doesn't hurt and I'm hoping they won't have to cast it tomorrow morning.....Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

Rina said...

Hi Elizabeth
My favorite is the platypus! I like how you used dots sparingly and focused on x-ray and pattern. Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

dear Bronte Blackwell,
I like the way you did the X-RAY so you can see the inside of the body like the ribs in the stomach that looks really GREAT!!! I also like how you did the patterns on the beak and on the tail.I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!
From Olivia De Wet

Vicki@MorePowerfulBeyondMeasure said...

Very nice job! I enjoyed your blog and I will be checking back to see what your students are working on!

Charlotte said...

I like abby's picture how she has done something different. Ilike the swirl in the middle and also the spider web backround

Anonymous said...

I like how Bronte has positioned the white dots on the edge of the river because it makes the river standout and I also like how she has done the opposite colous purple and yellow which provides good contrast. Alexander K.

Anonymous said...

I like how April has done the pattern in the turtle because it looks like the shell. I like how the green outline stands out against the red and the black. Juliana K.

Anonymous said...

I like the spiderweb pattern on Abby's drawing and I also like the white spots that look like water droplets on the web. Julian's K.

Anonymous said...

I like how Alex has used desert colours With reds in the background and how the spine has been done in an artistic way. Juliana K.

Anonymous said...

I like how Alex has used desert colours With reds in the background and how the spine has been done in an artistic way. Juliana K.

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