Kate & Zara's Ocean Collage

So proud of Kate and Zara!

The girls are in year 6, and graduating to High School next year. They approached me last term, wanting to develop and deliver their own lesson. Of course I agreed, and I know they have been working hard on their concept ever since.

So today is the Big Day! and the girls have presented a lovely under ocean collage picture for the class. We started with a wet-on-wet watercolour wash, textured with salt, while the bottom half of the page became the sandy sea bed with glue and beach sand.

From there we developed a variety of shells and sea creatures using a wide choice of materials including corrugated cardboard, tissue paper, construction paper, cartridge paper and oil pastels.

Thank you Zara and Kate, for a well thought out project, with lots of opportunity for individual creative interpretation, yet nicely structured to ensure a successful result from everyone!





Kate & Zara's demonstration piece - a work in progress!

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