A Little Bit Surreal ...

Finlae: 'A dragon skating on a jet plane.'
The Surrealists were a group of artists who were interested in depicting the world of dreams, nightmares and imagination. Surrealist artists such as Salvidor Dali and Rene Magritte painted familiar, everyday objects in unexpected and impossible ways, the way things appear in dreams.

Magritte: 'Il Castello Dei Pirenei' 
This week we indulged in a little bit of creative fun! After looking at some paintings by Dali and Magritte, children randomly chose a subject, an action and a location from a selection I had earlier created on coloured paddle-pop sticks.

The challenge was to combine them into a coherent picture, with some problem solving involved - how do you draw an elephant swimming in the desert?
There was lots of laughter as children read their sticks, and it was just as much fun picking the unlikely combinations in the finished masterpieces! Quite surreal!

Eli: 'Monkeys hot-air ballooning on an island.'

Rhianna: 'A chicken surfing in the jungle.'

Aylah: 'Bats chasing butterflies at Disneyland.'

Olivia: ' A ballet dancing snail at a supermarket.'

Sophie: 'Lobsters hiding in a video game.'

Isabella: 'A mermaid riding a bike in the sky'

Ella: 'A shark chasing butterflies at the dinner table.'

Yasmin: 'A puffer fish riding a unicycle in a video game.'

Eadie: 'A snail surfing in a volcano.'

Sapphire: 'A fox parachuting in Egypt.'

Will: 'A monkey swimming in the city.'

Yasodha: 'A clown flying a kite in the ocean.'

Estelle: 'Frogs snorkelling at Disney Land.'

Ruth: 'A dinosaur throwing potatoes at the dinner table.'

Alexander: 'Elephants hiding in Egypt.'

Perry: 'Seahorses sleeping in the jungle.'

Lilly: 'A lion ballet dancing near a volcano.'

Sophie: 'An octopus sailing a boat at Uluru.'

Ashton: 'A puffer fish painting a picture on an island.'

Charlotte W: 'Penguins throwing balls at a theme park'

Angelina: 'Sharks sailing in a park'.

Harry: 'A seahorse and a lobster sailing in the sky.'

Luca: 'A lobster flying a kite in a jet plane.'

Sarah: 'Rats ballet dancing on a jet plane.'

Jasmine: 'Sea-horses blowing bubbles at a theme park.'

Chelsea: ' A chicken asleep under the ocean.'

Alyssa: 'A turtle parachuting in the lounge room.'

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