Fun With Japanese Art ~ Suminagashi & Sumi-e

Suminagashi, which literally translates as "floating ink", is a Japanese form of paper marbling.

Sumi-e, or "ink painting", is an Asian style of painting which has been practised for well over a thousand years in many Asian countries including China and Japan. The Sumi-e artist strives to capture the essence of an object or scene in the fewest possible brush strokes.

This week we've experimented with both Sumi-e and Suminagashi to create our own Japanese influenced pictures.

Sophia S
Talia D
Breanna D
Lily S
Kiera C
Lachlan F
Ethan C
Abbey L
Annika VW
Jessica C
Charlee H
Gabrielle S
Lily B
Jem E
Mostyn E
Lara J
Sofia B
Sarah P
Ehijie I
Omoy I
Ruth C
This was a lot of fun!

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