Manga Karate

Manga is the art of Japanese cartooning and comics. It seems that there is a form of Manga for everyone in Japan - it is read by people from every age group and in all walks of life, and covers just about every genre from science fiction and fantasy to murder mystery!

The Manga style is becoming increasingly known and popular in countries outside of Japan - when we looked at some examples the children all seemed to recognise with the style even when they were not familiar with the name.

This week we've had fun experimenting with the exaggerated eyes, small triangular nose, pointed chin and shaped hair that is characteristic of Manga.

Juliana K

Alexander K
Mali C
Lucy C
Estelle TF
Omoy I
Isabel B
Isabella I
Bella P
Aimee M
Zahira K
Jack J
Angelina Z
Lily B
Ruby W
Zoe K
Luca K
Britt A
Charlotte K
Lily B

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