Pandora's Box

In ancient Greek mythology Pandora (meaning "All Gifts") was the first mortal woman. Zeus gave her a box but told her not to open it. For a long time Pandora obeyed, but finally her curiosity became too much, she opened the forbidden box and all the evils escaped into the world! She quickly closed the box but it was too late, she only managed to keep 'Hope' in the box.

This week we've explored symbols! We began by creating a most beautiful, bejeweled gold or silver box, which we surrounded with symbols that represent some of the elements we do not want in the world (for example illness, greed, famine, war), and of course a beautiful symbol for Hope. I love the variety and thought each person has put into designing their symbols to create truly impressive collages! Well done everyone!

Claire T

See more of our Pandora Boxes on facebook ...

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