Do the Haka

'Kapa haka is the term for Maori performing arts and literally means to form a line (kapa) and dance (haka). Kapa haka is an avenue for Maori people to express and showcase their heritage and cultural Polynesian identity through song and dance.

Battle haka were originally performed by warriors to proclaim their strength with much vigorous movement, foot stamping and facial expression.

Haka are also performed for many other reasons including welcoming distinguished guests, acknowledging great achievements, and special occasions such as weddings and funerals. Kapa haka performance groups are very common in schools.' (Wikipedia)

After watching a short video clip and looking at some traditional polynesian face tattooing and tiki masks, we created our version of the fantastical facial expressions that often accompanies the haka with a focus on line, symmetry and balance. 




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