Design Your Dragon

Our first picture for Term 3 is inspired by the movie 'How to Train Your Dragon 2', which many of the children saw over the school holidays.

One of the great things about this movie is that each dragon is an individual and looks completely different to all the other dragons. What a great inspiration for some creative drawing!

We prepared our backgrounds with washable felt pen spritzed with water, before designing our dragons and finishing them off with scratched oil pastel for great dragon textured skin.

Hayden B






Mali S

Ashton P

Millie P

Ben C

Emily M

Makedde C

Abbey L

Charlotte K

Ruby W

Ryder M

Sophie M

Luca K

Sydney M

Aylah P

Eli S

Summer C

Finlae S

Indi S

Kai J

Maddison P

Miranda B
Sophie T

Sapphire G

Charlie L

Will O
Emily W

Charlotte C

Rhuiri H

Hannah Y

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