Amazing Idea Machines Inspired by Souther Salazar

We looked at  'Alejandro's Idea Machine' by American artist Souther Salazar, noting the detail and free-flowing line work, before completing our own Idea Machine drawings using black marker and white chinagraph pencil on coloured paper.

Lilly H

Toby E
Abbey L

Jordan O

Ella H
Megan B

Juliana K

Shai-Anne A
Perry B

Sophie C
James R-S
Finlae S

Lily S
Talia D

Talia M

A great time-lapse Youtube video of American artist Souther Salazar creating his installation 'Alejandro's Idea Machine'. It finishes with a pan around some of the marvellous detail in the piece.

Souther Salazar: 'Alejandro's Idea Machine'

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