Rock Pool Collage

Our rock pools are created with brown paper rocks (with sponged paint for texture) and a variety of rock-pool creatures made with acrylic paint thumb prints or polka dot stickers, and fine black marker, all cut out and collaged in layers onto coloured paper.

Hollie P

Scratch-Art Animals

Scratch-Art Action Animals - We loved this!! Although some of the kids had doubts when it came to covering their entire picture with black oil pastel, it was a real 'wow!' moment as we scratched it away to reveal the picture beneath!

Abby K

Cool Clay Snowmen for A Hot Aussie Christmas!

The summer storms are with us, and it's hot and humid .... if we can't have a White Christmas and build real snowmen, then building them from clay has got to be the next best thing!

Olivia DW

Amazing Idea Machines Inspired by Souther Salazar

We looked at  'Alejandro's Idea Machine' by American artist Souther Salazar, noting the detail and free-flowing line work, before completing our own Idea Machine drawings using black marker and white chinagraph pencil on coloured paper.

Lilly H

Coral Reef Fish!

Isabella K
Here's another version of our Barrier Reef Pictures inspired by Canadian artist Sandra Silberzweig. 

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