Rousseau-ish Mixed Media Jungles

We looked at Rousseau's 'Surprised! (Tropical Storm with a Tiger)', especially looking at how the artist makes the viewers feel as though we are inside the picture, with the jungle all around us. 

Kaiden S (Yr 4)
'Tiger in a Tropical Storm': Henri Rousseau 1891
Emily W (Yr 6)

Abbey K (Yr 5)

Aylah P (Yr 1)

Lucy R (Yr 1)

Sophia S (Yr 1)
Isabella M (Yr 2)

Molly B (Yr 1)

Ruby DW (Yr 2)
Kassidy D (Yr 1)

Luca K (Prep)
Jasmine T (Yr 6)

Sophie T-F (Yr 1)
Ella P (Yr 3)

Lily S (Yr 3)

RJ H (Yr 5)

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