Free-Form Pottery

For our pottery piece this term we've made footed free-form pots which have a great oriental-style look.

Lachlan F (Yr 4)

Ruby S (Yr 3)

Talia M (Yr 1)
Chan N (Yr 3)

Jordan O (Yr 4)

Olivia DW (Yr 4)
Evie S (Yr 1)

Jeb M (Yr 2)

Tova R (Yr 7)
Ethan V (Yr 3)

Landen S (Yr 1)

Leelani B (Prep)
Callum W (Yr 7)

Joe H (Yr 1)

Kyla R (Yr 5)

Hannah Y (Yr 3

In the time we had left after painting our pots we made these snake finger-puppets, using a template from Mr Printables. Good fun  :)

Harrison B (Yr 1)

Sophie K (Yr 3)

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