Australian Starry Nights

The Starry Night is an iconic Van Gogh painting that we've used as inspiration for our art this week. Here is our mixed-media version of an Australian Starry Night, using colour sticks, stamped acrylic paint, metallic sharpie markers and cut paper.

The kids produced some fabulous work on this project, I just love them!!

Jemima J (Yr 1)

Free-Form Pottery

For our pottery piece this term we've made footed free-form pots which have a great oriental-style look.

Lachlan F (Yr 4)

Expressionist Animals

This week our creations are in the style of Franz Marc, featuring our favourite animals in a natural setting, and  using colour to express emotion. We've chosen to use soft pastel, for it's bright rich colour, and because we love getting our hands dirty!

Coen H (Prep)

Peacocks for Mother's Day

With Mother's Day coming up this Sunday, we decided to create special Peacock pictures for our Mums.

Our peacocks are just fabulous - I know they'll be treasured by our Mums for many years to come!

Caillou D-F (Yr 5)
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