The Year of The Snake

In celebration of the Chinese New Year on February 10, 2013 - The Year of the Snake!

Zara B (Yr 5)

Talia D (Yr 3)

James R-S (Yr 6)

Makeddy C (Yr 3)

Ethan V (Yr 3)

Charli B (Yr 3)

Libby E (Yr 3)

Tova R (Yr 7)

Alexander K (Yr 3)

Sophie K (Yr 3)

Kane B (Yr 3)

Talia M (Yr 1)

Samuel H (Yr 1)

Olivia T (Yr 3)

Iliana T (Prep)

Callum W (Yr 7)
After some discussion and brainstorming ideas we designed our pictures. Some decided to incorporate both a snake and the year 2013. We talked about composition options such twisting the snake into the year numbers, and repetition of pattern and color to tie the composition together. The final composition was entirely up to the students.

Once we had our designs we traced over all the lines with black marker and added pattern to the bodies.

We cut out our snakes, leaving a very narrow 'bubble' of white around them to make them stand out against  the deep color of the background mount. Finally we added color with felt pens.

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