Delicious Donuts Inspired By Peter Anton

Our second clay project this term is inspired by the delicious sculptures of Peter Anton.
We've created donut paperwights with swirls of icing and real sprinkles sealed with clear lacquer.

Displayed on a collage of bakery treats, they look good enough to eat, and will look great on our desks, or make a wonderful Father's Day gift!

Go to our facebook page to see more of our Delicious Donuts!

Peter Anton at work in his studio.
Peter Anton 'Boxed Donuts'.

Letting Our Creative Out!

Did you know that the left side of your brain controls analytical, logical thinking functions such as science and mathematics, while your right brain performs tasks that are artistic and creative?

After painting our donuts (more of these delicious pop-art sculptures next week!) we finished our session this week with some right-brain creative initial doodle-art!
Beginning with the blank slate of our initials glued onto black, we randomly drew a line.... which became.... well, something different for everyone!
It's always fun to let our creative right brains have free reign! Well done everybody!

See more of our Right-Brain Doodles on facebook ....

Beautiful Jellyfish Mobiles

Our Jellyfish Mobiles feature hand painted ceramic caps with lacy leaf texture, layers of tentacles with hand made ceramic coil beads and acetate spirals, beads and sea creatures. Created over 2 and a half lessons, they have been a major project, but so beautiful! It is easy to imagine these delicate creatures are floating through the ocean at the whim of the tidal currents...

See more of our Beautiful Jellyfish on facebook ....

UFO Sightings Over Sunshine Coast!

Have you heard the rumour? Last weekend aliens were sighted beaming into the school grounds, playing on the swings, dancing on the roofs and climbing the trees.... breaking all the RULES!!
UFOs and alien creatures at school .... What fun!

See more of our Aliens at School on facebook ....
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