Dream Jars for the BFG

We love watching movies to inspire our art, and I've had quite a few requests from students for a project inspired by the recently released BFG, based on the book by Rohal Dahl.

After watching a trailer for the movie, we looked at some examples of Quentin Blake's illustrations for the original book. His illustrations are deceptively simple, using spontaneous line to create characters full of movement, fun and humour.
What fantastic inspiration for our art this week!

Quentin Blake illustration: Sophie and the BFG 
We started with illustrations of our dreams, capturing them into 'Dream Jars' for the BFG's collection. Some students accepted the challenge to try drawing in the style of Quentin Blake! Others added more detail to their art, while keeping large areas clear for our final bubble effects.

Our Dream Jars are finished with acrylic paint bubbles. Bubbles are so delicate and elusive - here one moment, gone the next, popping away when you try to hold on to them - just like our dreams!


The 'Eyes' Have It

We started with a simple shape - the shape of an eye.... and with a fine black pen, crayons and liquid watercolour, we let our imaginations run wild!

Aboriginal Dot Influenced Landscapes

This week we drew inspiration from the unique Australian Aboriginal Dot art to create our mixed media landscapes.


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