More Mad Monkeys

What do you call a monkey with a wand? Hairy Potter!

We're celebrating the Chinese Year of the Monkey with mad monkey cartoons, and mad monkey jokes!!

Monkey Madness

With 2016 being the Chinese New Year, Year of the Monkey, we are celebrating with a guided drawing using B and 4B pencil with soft pastel. These 'how to' pencil drawings take concentration and patience, and I am always astounded at what our artists (many of whom are in lower Primary) are able to achieve!


Dreaming with Chagall ...

Modernist artist Marc Chagall  grew up in Russia, later working in the US and France. His painting 'Paris Through the Window'(1913), symbolises his dream of living and painting in Paris.

Looking at this wonderful painting, we noticed Chagall's use of symbols, floating figures and expressionist use of colour. We talked about places we dream of visiting, before creating our art in watercolour or tempera resist.

Like Chagall, we have used a window to separate our inside 'now' place and our outside 'dream' place, with a figure (ourselves or a favourite animal) looking out of the window towards ourselves floating over our dream place.

Our pictures are lively, colourful and very imaginative!


Warhol Inspired Endangered Animals

Our art this week is inspired by Andy Warhol's 'Endangered Species' series, looking especially at his use of colour to evoke feelings about his subjects.

We're using black marker and layered oil pastel on digitally manipulated photos of wild animals, thoughtfully selecting our colours for emotional impact, before adding a final layer of black oil pastel. It is exciting to see our animals re-emerge as we scratch the black away.

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