
This week we've learned about facial proportions to create our 'Selfies'.

We began with a guided lesson using grid lines to draw a basic half face. Students then worked independently with mirrors, altering facial expressions, hair styles and accessories to personalise their self-portraits before adding colour with crayon.

Our drawings were then cut out and glued to a simple water-colour resist background we created in a previous lesson. Our final step was to print our names using pieces of cardboard dipped in paint.

Minion Armies

After careful drying and kiln firing, our minions have returned for painting and decorating.
As functional paperweights they will sit on our desks and look up at us with loads of personality!

Hot Air Balloons

As every hot air ballooning enthusiast knows, sunrise and sunset are the best times to fly!

We were so entranced by this video we just had to join in!

We created our gorgeous skies with acrylic and wet paper towel, blending quickly and thoughtfully to capture that most wonderful single moment of colour our sunsets have to offer.
We spoke about Impressionist painters like Monet whose aim was to do the same!

We then designed and created our stunning balloons and baskets, with the land in darkness below us.

Rainforest Floors

Our Australian tropical rainforests are amazing eco-systems teeming with life!

If you take a moment to look closely at even a small patch of the forest floor you can find any number of insects, spiders, ants, moths, butterflies, snails and slugs, not to mention snakes, frogs, leeches and all the other birds and animals that call the rainforest home!

Our forest floors are created with leaves printed with white paint onto black paper, before sponge painting the areas around the leaves with colours of our choice. While our backgrounds dry, we've created all manner of small wild life to inhabit our forest floors.

I love the layered depth and texture of our art this week!

Pet Cartoons

We are having loads of fun this week as we cartoon our own pets.

We began by looking at some famous cartoon characters, the way cartoon artists exaggerate features, manipulate facial and body expressions to show emotion and personality, and often add 'props' to tell a story!

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