Beautiful Banyans for Earth Day

The Banyan tree is the national tree of India. It is a variety of fig, similar to our Moreton Bay Fig, starting life a small seed in the canopy of a 'host' tree which it uses for support as it sends out roots towards the ground. Gradually, the host tree dies leaving the Banyan to continue it's growth. As each branch spreads out it sends down more roots to provide nutrients and support.
The Banyan can live for hundreds of years, and reach an amazing size as it continues to spread.
The canopies of some of the largest Banyan trees in India cover areas of 4 and 5 acres!

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide each year on April 22. On this day people around the world hold events to show their support for environmental protection. To celebrate we've taken the Indian Banyan tree as inspiration for our art this week.

Our Banyans are completed in ink and oil pastel. Children are encouraged to select analogous (side by side) colours to blend into the negative spaces between the branches and roots of our trees.

Our Earth Day Banyan Trees are truly beautiful!


Positively Speaking

Self-talk - all those 'conversations' we have with ourselves throughout our day - is a very powerful thing!

Whether positive or negative, self-talk influences how we see ourselves, how we present ourselves to others, how we think, feel and behave. If our self-talk is predominantly negative, it can sabotage our best efforts to succeed, but when our positive self-talk outweighs the negative we can achieve almost anything!

This week we've made conscious efforts to tell each other, and ourselves, how great we really are!


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