Cup-Cake Crazy

Our finished ceramic cupcakes ...

We used moulds and pinch pots to construct these functional ceramic cupcake boxes, which are a 3D extension of our Pop Art Cake pictures from earlier this term, influenced by Pop artist Wayne Thiebaud.

The drying and firing process takes a few weeks, but the finished results are amazing, and well worth the wait!!


Minecraft Mania

This project is definitely a winner! When I asked who knew Minecraft every hand shot up!!

For those of us less familiar, Minecraft is a computer game that is all about placing and breaking blocks. It involves adventure, battling scary things, visiting interesting lands and a whole lot more. Above all, the children love it, which makes it an excellent source of inspiration for our art this week.

Although I had a 'plan', the children were very keen to develop their own ideas, so we went with that! Who am I to stand in the way of such enthusiasm?

We built our pictures within a grid base to help us with placing our blocks and which also helped us to create pixelated backgrounds, then added colour with soft pastel.


Ants At Home

A simple but very effective black marker drawing, imagining what the Ants might get up to after a hard day's work!

We've paid particular attention to using a variety of line type and scale to create interesting pattern in the negative spaces between the ant house rooms.

I am always so impressed with my students' imagination, which you can see when you look closely at the details!


Finished Relief Collages ....

Can't let a good collograph go to waste, so after painting them black we sponged on some metallic paint for a faux-metal effect.

Textured Relief Collages

This week we've created low relief owls (and a multitude of other creatures) using cardboard, with an emphasis on interesting shapes and textures. These are not ordinary collages, which are an end in themselves, but collographs, created as a plate for printmaking.

Our first project with our collograph creations is to take prints with crayon rubbings.

I love the way the children have thought carefully about balancing their compositions and colour combinations, choosing their mount paper to compliment the colours they used in the rubbings.

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